The Project on Patreon > Patronage/Crowdgifting

About a year ago, I asked myself this question:

If artmaking is my arete, why do I so often treat it as a hobby rather than a professional vocation?

At the time, little did I know that pondering this rather uncomfortable truth would upend many of my long-held professional ideals, goals, and aspirations. But it did just that. did more than just that.

It gave rise to Looking for Arete.

Among many other things, Looking for Arete is a complete reframing of how I can approach making a living as a professional creative. As a project, it explores how I can create a financially stable and sustainable professional creative practice that promotes, rather than hinders, my personal arete.

Click below for an explanation of how patronage and crowd-gifting function as key financial supports of Looking for Arete.