Looking for Arete > About the Project

Parts and Pieces

I’ve said it before:
I work in parts and pieces, in series, over time.
Turns out...I was really serious about all of that!

Looking for Arete is in its initial stages.

Built from various components, this is how I am currently categorizing the varied conceptual beginnings of this long-term project:

The Beautiful—Beings, Places, Things

Ruminating about beauty with what I know best: clay concrete glass paper photographs metal stone water tempera acrylic oil ink graphite light gold-leaf pearl-dust salt….

Athlete Oracle Maker Sage

Beautifully phenomenal people who exhibit arete...beautifully. Idealized portraits of their beauty.

A Piece of You

Everyone wants a piece…so be sure to hold on to what really, really matters. Precious talismans for self-preservation, made collaboratively with recipients.

Wrestling with Arete

We all wrestle with something. Six-minute mixed-media performances, focusing on grappling with the invisible double.

Put It On

T-shirts, etc. etc. Clothing and jewelry designed/worn by people who wrestle with arete.

Lessons From the Schoolhouse

Wisdom and laughter from a long, adventurous life of collecting all kinds of beauty.


A novel, not a short story (and how Looking for Arete all began).

The Parts and Pieces